Embrace the Evolution of Your Journey - Think Deep

Embrace the Evolution of Your Journey

We tend to think in terms of a->b when it comes to our journey. It’s a very one to one direct relationship. We don’t account for the twists and turns, the different methods of “transportation” that will help us get to where we want to go, the different sub destinations we might set up along the way, etc.

We think it’s just from here to there.

In an instant.

And if that’s not happening, then something is wrong with us.

You start doubting, you think you must be doing the wrong things, you think twice about whether or not this really is the journey for you.

That can really do a number on your head if you let it.

But you have to remember amidst all that, when it comes to journeys, it’s not a straight direct line. If it is, it’s not a journey. It’s something you’ve done before.

Journeys by nature are not linear. From afar, AFTER the fact, and on looking back, yeah it looks like a straight line.

But zoom in closer and you’ll see the jagged edges. The twists and turns. The hesitations. The stop and gos. The go back a little then move forward moves. It’s all there.

And you’re going through it right now in the midst of it all.

If you feel like you’re experiencing that, here’s a prudent thing to do.

Just sit back, breath and let your shoulders drop and remember to embrace the EVOLUTION of the journey.

A LOT of things are going to happen in between.

Things you will never see coming.

Things you never knew could happen.

Things you think you can’t overcome.

It’s all there, the blackness unfolding in front of your very eyes.

Instead of fearing it, acknowledge it.

Acknowledge the UNIVERSAL shape of the journey.

And that this is its NATURAL shape.

One of twists and turns and curveballs out of nowhere when viewed from a micro point of view.

All designed to see if you really, REALLY, TRULY want to get to where you want to go.

Now when presented with these twists and turns, some choose alternate routes than the ones they planned ahead. Some choose different means of “transportation” to get there. Some find other people who are on the same journey and invite them to tag along.

All of which help them to weather these unforeseen deviations.

Whatever you plan to do, be open to the possibilities. Go with the flow. Don’t shut out an idea just because it wasn’t part of your initial plan.

If you knew every twist and turn of the roller coaster, it wouldn’t be that fun anymore now would it?

Be glad for the twists and turns because they help prepare you for the next journey.

And yes, there will be a next journey but this time you won’t be so phased when things seem like they’re going all over the place. You know it will happen. You’ve dealt with it before. You’ll deal with it now.

Now if you think about it, it’s kind of arrogant to think we can foresee the future and the events that will occur in perfect sequence in a straight line that will bring about what we have in mind. If you look at it like that, it’s easier to give yourself permission to not freak out when the line starts to curve left and right and get jagged. You embrace your humility and you embrace the fact that this is how journeys evolve. You set your sights once more on the destination to get a better sense of which direction to take and you move forward accordingly.

While your journey is unique in it of itself, the shape of it remains the same as the billions of others on this planet and those who have come before.

Journeys evolve constantly.

Know you are, and never were alone, in dealing with the evolution of them.

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