The Best Gift You Can Give to Show Thanks to Those Around You - Think Deep

The Best Gift You Can Give to Show Thanks to Those Around You

The blogosphere is probably full of “be thankful” posts now and rightly so. We have much to be thankful for, but I want to make the point today that there shouldn’t be just one day out of a year dedicated to giving thanks. It should be done everyday.

Tomorrow, all of this “be thankful” attitude will probably be forgotten and people will be on a mad dash to buy gifts for the upcoming holidays. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to be a cynic here; I just want to point out the trap we can all fall into if we only focus on one day to be thankful for.

I think one of the most important things to do is to be sure to thank the people around you. You don’t have to buy them gifts to do so. Just tell them or better yet write to them. That is the best gift you can give someone. I guarantee it. There’s something about a writing a personal card to someone letting them know what you think of them and how thankful you are of having them in your lives that is far more valuable than any gift that money can buy. Appreciation and compliments are priceless. They come from a store that’s open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and that only you have the keys to.

We live in an electronic world today. Forget email just this once and take out the good old pen and card and start writing. When it comes to writing on the card, I’m not talking about writing 2 or 3 sentences and signing your name. I’m talking about filling the whole card till you only have a tiny amount of space to sign your name with.

When we actually write that much, we are forced to equally think as much of the person we are writing to. What are some of the good traits you admire in him/her? Why are you glad he/she is in your life? What were some times when you were down but he/she came and helped you? I can guarantee once you start asking yourselves these questions, the answers will come pouring out.

To be honest, most people’s self-esteem is very fragile and requires maintenance, particularly those who are not married. Husbands have wives who can build them up and vice versa. Single people, particularly during these times, are hard hit and a detailed card from their friends highlighting their great attributes and conveying their appreciation for having them in their lives can make a world of difference. I guarantee the people you send these cards to will keep them for the rest of their lives. A card or letter is something to be cherished. It contains a record of your thoughts and feelings toward that person for years to come and cannot get eroded by our fragile memory.

Why am I emphasizing writing cards so much to those you care about? Because I’ve received such cards and I can tell you, it makes a world of difference. It really does. When you read it, you appreciate the time, effort, and more importantly, the thought it took that person to write that card and you never look at the person who gave it to you the same way ever again. The truth is, you probably think very highly of your friends and family, but never had a chance to really articulate it. You can do it verbally, but the effect that it has is not the same as actually sitting down and spending the time to just think back, reflect on that person, remember the times when they’ve helped you, carefully phrase what you want to say, and then write it all down on a card to send to that person. The effect of writing is exponentially greater for it communicates our innermost thoughts and feelings to that person and it survives the fragile memory of the human mind.

Writing from within is the best gift you can give to show thanks to those around you. Take the time to do this throughout the year and I guarantee you’ll experience gratitude for what it truly is.

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