Why It's Important to Have Peace In Your Life - Think Deep

Why It’s Important to Have Peace In Your Life

It seems like the more a society advances, the less peace there seems to be.

There’s noise everywhere.

Gone are the days of just sitting under a tree and thinking about life. There’s Twitter feeds to read, Facebook statuses to update, videos to take and upload on Youtube, drama to indulge in, gossip to listen to and spread, advertising bombarding us everywhere.

It seems like we’re saturated in figurative and literal noise all the time.

Peace seems to have gone by the wayside but it’s very important we have it in our lives because how many great decisions do you make when you’re not at peace?

Very few, if any.

You tend to make mostly bad decisions which creates even more disorder in your life, which doesn’t contribute to any peace, so you make more bad decisions and the spiral just continues downward.

When you have peace in your life, you’re able to see clearly, think clearly, plan clearly, and take action clearly, and clearly see the results of those actions, and then think clearly as to how to proceed next, and the cycle perpetuates itself.

Not being at peace corrupts the whole thing.

The main culprit that seems to rob us of our peace is excess.

Too many things in our lives that in turn, need to be maintained, repaired, insured, replaced, cleaned, used, worried about, etc. Too many people in our lives to deal with. Too many things to do.

When we minimize, we’re forced to focus on quality.

Quality things, quality relationships, quality actions to take.

Minimizing and peace tend to go hand in hand because you’re able to isolate the few important things and put your complete focus on them and filter out all the rest.

Everything else is just noise.

People who don’t have peace – everything seems to be noise. Everything seems to be urgent. Everything seems to be important. It’s so overwhelming.

They’re just running around thinking things are getting done when they’re not. They just find themselves tired and sweaty and confused.

Now when you minimize and you’re in that static situation, you have peace, but life happens sooner or later to bust that cocoon.

Therefore you need systems of thinking in place to deal with the things that come into your life.

New things will need to be bought, new people will come in, there will be new things to do.

You need a filter to maintain the peace.

Start asking yourself the important questions.

Do you really need this in your life? Will you use it consistently? Is this person going to be a good influence in my life? What’s really important to do that will help me move forward with my goals?

It would also be wise to build routines that take care of the day to day activities of our lives – cooking, laundry, cleaning etc., so you can focus on the more important things.

You also need systems of thinking in place to deal with what happens, because what happens, happens to us all.

So just focus on what you can control. Do it to the best of your ability. Let the rest be what it will be. Just keep on doing your part. Plant your seeds because you don’t know what’s going to sprout so just keep on planting.

“Bad things” may happen, but you know in the greater lens of time, that it will benefit you in some way so having that system of thinking set in place helps bring peace into your life at that time, rather than freak out about it right then and there.

Take the next best action as necessary. It’s not one action that’s going to unlock everything. It’s whole bunch done consistently.

On top of all that, don’t forget to take time to relax and enjoy life. Spoil yourself. Indulge in whatever brings you joy.

Then get back on the horse.

All this is necessary for peace in your life and when you have that peace, you have the foundation for an upward spiral, where more good things start to happen, deeper peace is enjoyed, and a much more higher quality of life is experienced.

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