How to Conquer Your Fears Once and For All - Think Deep

How to Conquer Your Fears Once and For All

The answer is not to memorize the acronym False Evidence Appearing Real. It’s not to feel the fear and do it anyways. It’s not to explore our fears and find out what they are based on. It’s not to sit up straight and pump our fist in the air in the hopes that our body language will influence our mind. Don’t get me wrong, these all help but they are just tips and techniques that beat around the bush when it comes to conquering fear.

What we want to do is look fear dead in the eye and swing a right hook at it and watch it drop to the floor like a sack of potatoes; not to cower around it and throw soft jabs at it hoping it will go down.

This article is not going to give you 10 tips on how to conquer fear. This is not going to be a 5,000 page dissertation on how to conquer fear. This is not going to be an article that beats around the bush. This article is going to provide you with the ultimate antidote to fear and that in two words is simply this:

Burning desire.

That’s it. Throw out your acronyms, throw out your affirmations, throw out your “just do it” advice, the real antidote to fear is burning desire. Is it really that simple Brian?

Yes. It most certainly is. Hands down. 100%. Money back guarantee for life.

The literature out there on how to deal with fear all seem to skirt around the issue. They give you ways on how to deal with fear but never to conquer it one on one. To face it and punch it right in the face and watch it go down for the count. That’s what burning desire does. A burning desire will take down fear every single time.

Fear is the first obstacle in the path toward the achievement of your goal. Fear of failure, fear of what other people might think of you if you try to go for it, fear of what might happen if you actually do, fear, fear, fear.

It has piled up like a mound of snow all around you, slowly freezing you until you can’t move and that’s precisely what fear does. It paralyzes you from taking action toward your dream.

What you need to do is build a fire within you, a fire to succeed that will melt away the fear around you until it evaporates into thin air.

Fear is like snow.

Desire is like a raging fire.

Snow can put a fire out, but no matter how much snow is dumped, a big enough fire can melt and evaporate all of it.

Therein lies the solution to conquering fear and that is simply this:

Your desire must be greater than your fear.

People engage in activities that they fear all the time simply because their desire to engage in them is stronger than their fear of it.

Japanese airplane fighters had a burning desire to perform kamikaze missions because they were taught there was great honor in sacrificing their life for their country. Did they fear death? Of course they did. That fear was real. It was very powerful. But their desire for honor was more powerful than their fear of death.

There are many sexually transmitted diseases in the world today, yet, some people still decide to engage in unprotected sex. Why? Their desire to have sex is greater than their fear of contracting an STD.

People engage in dangerous hobbies such as sky diving and bungee jumping all the time. Why? Their desire for an adrenaline rush is greater than their fear of getting hurt.

Your desire must be greater than your fear.

The problem is that everyone’s so focused on their fears and by doing that, they unknowingly feed it even more. That’s like constantly looking at the snow (your fear) when you should be rebuilding your fire (desire) instead. By looking at the snow, you keep on letting your fire die when you should be putting more wood on it and dumping lighter fluid on it to grow the size and intensity of it to melt all the snow.

Fear keeps people in check so don’t pay attention to fear. Pay attention to its nemesis – desire. Desire will always beat fear. I don’t care if you gather all the snow from all the planets in the known universe: the moment you place all that snow in front of the sun, the sun will evaporate it in no time.

The key is not to pay attention and feed fear because by doing that you unknowingly neglect the fire of desire.

The key is to feed your desire and grow it into a raging fire that will evaporate any amount of fear that you have.

That’s why I don’t particularly like the advice in books out there on how to deal with fear. What the authors are unknowingly doing is that they are giving advice on what they’ve done to defeat fear that came as a result of a burning desire.

You WILL “just do it” IF you have a burning desire that’s greater than your fear.
You WILL “feel the fear and do it anyway” IF you have a burning desire that’s greater than your fear.
You WILL “take action” to conquer fear IF you have a burning desire that’s greater than your fear.

You see, all the advice stems from a burning desire that’s greater than fear, but the problem is that nobody is pointing to the source, only the effects and that’s why when people try to apply the advice out there on how to conquer fear, it doesn’t work. Advice such as “Just do it”, “Be a man”, “Have courage”, etc. Fear is real, but it can be overpowered by desire.

But don’t take my word for it. Examine this concept yourself. Look at all the things that you feared in your life that you were able to conquer and you’ll find that a burning desire that was greater than your fear was the cause of it. Your fear was strong, but your desire was stronger.

Once you understand this simple notion, you’ll begin to see it apply everywhere in life.

The kid who greatly fears the bully but stands up to him nonetheless. What makes him stand up? His burning desire not to get bullied around anymore, which comes in form of white hot anger. That desire is much greater than his fear of the bully.

The person who quits his job to open his own business. What makes him overcome his fear of no source of steady income? A burning desire to be his own boss.

The guy who goes up and asks out the prettiest woman at the party. What makes him overcome his fear of rejection? A burning desire to get to know the woman and to possibly date her.

What do they all have in common? Their desire to engage in their particular endeavors was greater than their fear of it. Now obviously, the desire can differ from person to person but the fact remains, their desire, whatever it may be, was greater than their fear.

People have that burning desire in the beginning, but fear usually takes control of them later on. It’s not that their fear grew stronger. It was always there. It’s just that their desire got weaker so they felt the fear that much more. Remember shift attention to desire, not fear. Fear will always be there but desire will always overpower it if you build it into a burning one.

I talk about the importance of building a burning desire in my book, The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich (and no the secret is not just to have a burning desire to achieve your goal ;)) Desire takes out fear but there are many other enemies outside of that such as doubt, procrastination, and inconsistency but for every one of these enemies, there is a natural antidote as well that you can find in the book. If you haven’t read it yet, you can get your copy today by clicking here.

Remember, your desire must be greater than your fear.

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