Doing The Best You Can With What You've Got - Think Deep

Doing The Best You Can With What You’ve Got

It’s easy to fall into the trap of “If only I had this or that, then I could do what I really want to do.”

It’s certainly a valid thought. We can always do more if we have more resources at our disposal, but it’s a very dangerous thought to entertain on a consistent basis.

Thinking that kind of way can make us feel powerless and it also provides a safe cover in the form of an excuse that we can always hide behind to get us off the hook.

In the event you find yourself thinking like that, remind yourself to do the best you can with what you’ve got right now.

By constantly looking outside yourself all the time, you tend to ignore what’s right smack in front of you. More often than not, what you’re searching for may be in plain sight, not exactly in the form you might expect it to be in, but in the form of a stepping stone along the way that can ultimately help get you what you want.

There’s a lot of intangibles in front of you and around you right now that can help you do just that. You’ve got the people in your social circle, who all have their own resources and knowledge to impart and also have connections to other people who might be able to help, you have the Internet, you’ve got books, you’ve got videos, you’ve got tapes, and you’ve got your own creative ideas as well. Creativity tends to breed from necessity. We do what we have to when we need to and our creativity jumps into high gear to provide us the means to do so. Provide your mind with all the information it needs from the resources around you and then let that all simmer to give you that one great concoction of an idea you’re looking for.

Ideally, you want to be in this exact position where you’re forced to do the best with what you’ve got simply because it exercises your creativity. You’re probably never going to be in a position where you’re going to have everything you need in order to do what you want. Rather than throw your hands up in the air and give up, exercise those creative muscles. See what you can do with what you’ve got right now. As you start progressing and getting results, you will find yourself with more and more resources at your disposal along the way. If you were able to make things happen with minimal resources using your creativity, imagine how much more you will be able to get done when you start getting those additional resources along the way.

Being in that position also makes you appreciate what you have right now. It’s easy to feel “deficient” when you feel like you always need something you don’t have right this moment to do what you want to do. When you begin to appreciate what you have right now, you tend to unlock the full potential from them.

As you start embracing this process of doing the best you can with what you’ve got, you begin to undergo one of the most powerful processes a person can ever experience.

You begin to trust yourself.

You begin to trust your own ideas. You begin to trust your own decisions. You begin to trust your own instincts. You take on more challenges. You welcome it. You stop feeling powerless. You embrace the idea that there’s always another way. You exude positive energy and enthusiasm.

You do yourself a big disservice by hiding behind the excuse that you need “x” and “y” to do what you want by not allowing yourself to at least take a stab at seeing how you can come up with “x” and “y” with what you’ve got right now. You prevent yourself from exercising your creativity, from being exposed to new information and ideas, and from fully appreciating what you have right now.

Think about it like this. If you ever find yourself stuck on a desert island, it would be really easy to complain about the lack of modern technology that you were so accustomed to before. But you do the best you can with what you’ve got right now to survive. What you’ll realize is that you didn’t really need all that much to begin with in the first place. A lot of the things you needed were right around you and even if they weren’t there in its direct form, you could utilize the things around you to ultimately create it.

Do the best you can with what you’ve got right now. It may seem like nothing much will come out of it at first, but if you go through with it, you’ll find a way, which will lead to another way, and another, and another, gradually unfolding the whole process, step by step until you realize that what you needed was always right in front of you the entire time.

You only needed to trust yourself to go through with the process in order to see it in the first place.

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